The group has presented its commercial catalogue at the flagship trade fair in the fresh fruit sector
Berlín has become, over the course of three days, the global epicenter of the agricultural sector with Fruit Logistica, the premier fair that brings together more than 2,700 exhibitors and attracts 125,000 visitors annually. In this context, NOVACOOP Mediterranea, born from the alliance between the Lleida cooperative groups ActelGrup and Fruits de Ponent, has taken advantage of the opportunity to showcase its extensive range of fresh fruit and to highlight the main advancements in innovation, as well as the incorporation of new techniques in the agri-sector.
Durant la cita, el Conseller d’Agricultura, Ramaderia, Pesca i Alimentació, Òscar Ordeig, ha visitat l’estand de NOVACOOP Mediterranea per mostrar el seu suport a les empreses i cooperatives catalanes participants. During the event, the Minister of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Food, Òscar Ordeig, visited the NOVACOOP Mediterranea stand to show his support for the participating Catalan companies and cooperatives.
During his visit, the minister met with the co-presidents of NOVACOOP, Benjamí Ibars and Josep Maria Codina, as well as with the co-directors, Teresa Teixiné and Josep Presseguer. This meeting was key to gaining firsthand insight into the new agri-food project, which is aimed at pooling efforts to improve competitiveness and boost cooperative growth in the fresh fruit sector.
The event also featured the presence of the Secretary General for Food, Rosa Cubel; the Director of Agriculture, Rosa Altisent; the Managing Director of PRODECA, Dèlia Perpiñà; and the General Director of quality agro-food companies and gastronomy, Joan Gòdia, among other prominent representatives from the department.
With a commercial catalogue that includes 100,000 tonnes of fruit—among which stone fruit, pome fruit, and citrus stand out—NOVACOOP Mediterranea ensures supply to international markets by establishing agreements and consolidating its presence in the world’s leading markets.
With this participation, NOVACOOP bids farewell to Fruit Logistica, but with its sights set on new projects and opportunities that will allow it to continue innovating and growing in the global fresh fruit sector.