11 de January de 2024

The governing boards of Actel and Fruits de Ponent have decided to begin working on the creation of a joint company between the two cooperative groups, thus validating the preparatory work begun a few months ago. La iniciativa té com a objectiu establir la gestió conjunta de les unitats de negoci de la fruita, l’oli, l’ametlla, la gestió energètica i tots els serveis destinats als seus socis i sòcies.

The decision comes after a period of reflection by the two cooperatives and after considering the context marked by the high concentration of actors in the agri-food value chain and the significant changes in production agriculture caused by the climate emergency, especially accentuated in recent campaigns. These factors, together with the goal of promoting sustainable business development, pose the challenge of offering their partners greater profitability in their holdings through a more efficient transformation and marketing of agricultural products, and of exploring how to jointly explore increased sizing to meet today’s high investment needs.

In addition, this alliance aims to provide a comprehensive service to the entire social mass and seeks new business opportunities, particularly in areas such as energy, field work support with staff for producer partners, and talent recruitment in the future organisation. The cooperative principles shared by both organisations guarantee the initiative is rooted in the territory and is at the service of all consumers.

If the alliance is consolidated, the new joint company would manage more than 100,000 tons of fruit, reaching an annual turnover in excess of €160 million when totalling the various shared business areas.

Ambdós grups cooperatius ja han establert un programa de treball amb l’objectiu que la nova entitat pugui iniciar la seva activitat durant el primer semestre d’aquest any 2024.