Grup Cooperatiu Fruits de Ponent participates in the “Innovalors” Conference on Reporting Sustainability Indicators

17 de May de 2024

The General Director of the Grup Cooperatiu Fruits de Ponent, Josep Presseguer, will participate now in a debate organized by the Catalan Association for the Promotion of the Community Economy. The event, which has included the cycle “For a sustainable Catalan industry”, will take place at CaixaForum Barcelona.

During his intervention, Josep Presseguer Gené explained how the Fruits de Ponent Cooperative Group implements both indicators in terms of sustainability, the various environmental, social, labor and economic policies, integrating sustainability in daily business management, as well as in relationships. amb els seus groups d’interest.

The main objectives of the company include:

  • Guarantee the future viability of agricultural businesses and branches of partners and societies, and promote the talent of the company’s professionals.
  • Practice sustainable agriculture and advance green energy in industrial practice.
    Apply the values of cooperativism in daily business life, based on democratic, collaborative and transparent governance.
  • The company understands sustainability in a transversal way, embracing economic, environmental and social plans, and seeking economic and ethical growth with a minimum environmental impact, through respect for the community.

This commitment has made the Group Cooperatiu Fruits de Ponent to incorporate the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) in its six daily activities and to annually present a Progress Report to the Global Compact entity (United Nations), aligning both the indicators to measure the sustainability for companies.