Fruits de Ponent and Associació Alba have signed an agreement by virtue of which the Cooperative Group will donate wooden crates to the social entity so that users of the association can carry out urban vegetable gardens and/or other carpentry tasks in their occupational workshop.
The action is part of the values that Fruits de Ponent defends and puts into practice, an agri-food group with strong roots in the territory and that maintains a social commitment based on active and voluntary contribution to the fairer and more balanced development of the society and, in general, the welfare of the population, through participation in social initiatives whose purpose is to help the most disadvantaged sectors, mainly.
In this sense, the work of Associació Alba, which aims to offer comprehensive care to all those people with any type of disability, groups of young people and children, the elderly, as well as other groups at risk of exclusion, based on their needs and their interests and those of their families, fits perfectly with the values of Fruits de Ponent, with which the agreement is expected to contribute to the maximum human development of Alba users and their maximum inclusion in society.