The CEO of the Fruits de Ponent Cooperative Group, Josep Presseguer, gave this Wednesday the conference ‘Business experiences in shared value: the case of Fruits de Ponent’, during which he explained the model of the Cooperative Group and the importance of shared value in business strategy through the experience of a local company.
The talk was part of the online conference ‘Shared value as an engine of change’, organized by Acció, the Agency for the Competitiveness of Business of the Generalitat de Catalunya.
Presseguer explained the Cooperative Group’s experience in value-sharing work, emphasizing value-sharing in alliances. He emphasized the importance of creating value for different stakeholders, as well as the many benefits that integrating sustainability can offer.
The CEO of Fruits de Ponent has outlined the group’s many strategic alliances, ranging from the local to the more global, and which are absolutely necessary to achieve its goals in sustainability.
Thus, at a global level, it has referred to the Alliance with the Spanish Network of the Global Compact and with the Global Compact and with the Catalonia Catalonia 2030 Alliance; the Alliance with the Federation of Cooperatives of Catalonia (FCAC); with the Accord Association (Segarra-Garrigues); the Alliance with ACODEA, an entity that brings together managing members of cooperatives from around the world to share experiences and contribute to the application of cooperative values; participation in clusters catalyzing actions in sustainability, such as Voluntary Agreements (to reduce CO2), Catalunya Gourmet (to promote and expand product) and Catalunya IOT Catalan Alliance (collaborations with companies of ‘Internet of Things’ to find solutions to real problems).