It highlights the results obtained in reducing CO2emissions and water and electricity consumption
The European Network for Rural Development (ENRD) has divulged the results obtained in the sustainable practices project set in motion by the Fruits de Ponent Cooperative Group in 2020. Accordingly, it highlights the drop in CO2emissions and water and electricityconsumption achieved by installing3,200solar panels and creatinga water treatment plant.
Financed with European funds, the project met the target set: to improve members’ sustainability by promoting waste reduction and lowering electrical consumption. To be precise, CO2emissions were reduced by 37% in comparison to 2019, electrical consumption fell from 0.2254 Gj/t to 0.2088 Gj/t and water consumption dropped from 0.608 (2019) to 0.585 (2020) per cubic meter of built area.
Fruits de Ponent is strongly committed to sustainability and it forms part of our vision and strategic line, because we have to be competitive and sustainable at the same time. This is the future we are working toward.
For more information, the full article can be viewed through the following link:
The European Network for RuralDevelopment (ENRD) serves as a hub for exchanginginformation on howrural developmentpolicies, programmes, projects and other initiativesareworkingin practice and howtheycan be improved to obtainbetter results.